Sunday, February 4, 2007

Hillary & DEM leader Steny Hoyer agree - with Cheney & Bush! "The Military Option is ON THE TABLE" for MORE WAR... vs IRAN!

"A REAL HYSTERIA GROWING IN WASHINGTON DC over the COMING WAR WITH IRAN" - A hysteria ENABLED by "Democratic" Senators like Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman, and House 2nd in command Congressman Steny Hoyer!
Joe Scarborogh at 4:41 into this 7 minute video from the MSNBC Scarborough Show

Pat Buchanan, the slightly daft former Republican presidential candidate (who, like so many Irish-Americans, has held that the United States should NOT have demanded 'unconditional surrender" in the war against Nazi Germany), does have a couple of pearls of wisdom in this MSNBC Joe Scarborough show video:

"They have not got an atomic bomb... the Iranians don't, and we have no hard evidence that they are even making real progress towards it. But there's no doubt Joe, the amount of talk, the actions being taken in Washington, with the talk coming out of that Herzliya conference in ISRAEL, where ROMNEY said the military option IS ON THE TABLE,

YOU'VE GOT DEMOCRATS LIKE STENY HOYER SAYING THE MILITARY OPTION is _ON THE TABLE_, you've got a REAL SORT OF HYSTERIA BUILDING, over there and you read the Prime Minister of Israel talking about annhilation and another holocaust, and we've got a right to act preemptively to stop this, and so there's a real hysteria building . Now Bush does not have in place yet the kind of airpower for a "SHOCK AND AWE" attack to take out all of Iran's nuclear facilities, they've got a lot of them, and they're spread all over the place, and right in populated areas; but there's not doubt, the rhetoric is similar to the rhetoric in.... 2002, and the lead-up to the war... in Iraq, and frankly Joe, the CONGRESS of the United States FAILED TO STOP THE LAST WAR, which was an UNNECCESSARY WAR, and they ought to, after these resolutions are passed, take up the questions of whether the president's got the authority to take this country into a THIRD WAR in the Middle East.
(Buchanan's above comments start at about 3:14 into the video)

The Lieberman/Biden/Hillary/Steny Hoyer Democrats of the US Senate (Hoyer is a House senior Democrat) - having completely FAILED to do their duty to investigate the atrocious excuses ("lies-to-war") the Bush administration used to justify the illegal invasion, conquest and war of a nation that could not attack its larger neighbors (Iraq is surrounded by the larger and more powerful Turkey and Iranian) (such EXCUSES including "yellowcake uranium ore for Iraq's WMD program!" and "aluminum centrifuges for uranium enrichment".... both of which were EASILY PROVED to be FALSE, FABRICATED stories), the AIPAC Senators are now REPEATING THEIR GROSS FAILURES of 2002-2003.....


The Jewish AIPAC lobby, we have seen, is _THE_ MOST POWERFUL INFLUENCE on the Democratic Senate Caucus - the Democratic Senate has been HIJACKED BY THE ISRAEL LOBBY, using, in typical Rethuglican fashion, BILLIONS of US taxpayer dollars shipped to Israel (as aid to that country) COMING BACK to America as KICKBACKS and CAMPAIGN DONATIONS for the AIPAC Senators... who are now HELPING George W. Bush UNDERMINE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY and the US Constitution, with MORE HYSTERICAL TALK about ANOTHER ILLEGAL WAR, this one against Iran.

The AIPAC SENATORS, including Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman, are now unabashedly JOINING with the Bush-Bolton-Cheney White House in drumming up MORE WAR HYSTERIA, that will (after the inevitable Muslim reaction to bombing yet another Muslim nation) RESULT IN MORE DRACONIAN WAR POWERS to the president who not only STOLE both of his US election 'wins,' but now treats the entire US military as toy soldiers for his regime of "Party politics over the security and good name of the United States of America."

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