Thursday, February 8, 2007

AIPAC Hillary calls Iran "THE ENEMY" in radio show call-in appearance...

Dem presidential primary front-runner Senator Hillary Clinton declares Iran to be an "ENEMY" today in a call-in to the Ed Schultz radio show..

The Big Ed Schultz radio show has just posted the audio file (mp3) of Hillary's call-in to the talk show. Just after the end of a droning 5 minute monologue (starting at 8:35 into the audio), Hillary answers Ed's question about Iran's threats (to respond globally to any US bombing attacks on Iran) by saying that "they are a dangerous ENEMY."

Hillary's ENEMY comment posted at: at 8:35 into audio:

Once again, we advise Senator Clinton (Hillary) to PAY A LITTLE LESS ATTENTION to her AIPAC lobbyists; people who take BILLIONS in US military and defense funds sent to Israel, and BRING THEM BACK TO AMERICA as politics-CORRUPTING CAMPAIGN DONATIONS.

New York Times AIPAC neo-con Brown-Shirt editorial thug (and former Nixon speechwriter and Nixon imperial presidency and crimes apologist) WILLIAM SAFIRE once wrote (in his Times column) that it was "BEYOND THE PALE" that Vice President Al Gore accepted some lousy $2,000-$12,000 contributions from a Buddhist temple or Chinese-American company on behalf of the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign - because, Safire maintained, "IT IS BEYOND THE PALE that foreign governments try to influence American elections." Safire's more infamous comment was the promise - never born out - that "INDICTMENTS [against the Clintons] WILL BE HANDED DOWN LATER THIS WEEK." Safire's most infamous comment "Hillary is a CONGENITAL LIAR," was given EXACTLY THAT headline by Safire's fellow neo-con THUG editors at the Times - an undoubted low for American press and journalistic standards set by the self-proclaimed "paper of record."

The same paper, we note, that bends over backwards to downplay the illegal "OUTING" of an undercover CIA agent by the Vice President's office in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq (in 2003, i.e. the perjury trial of Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who in 2003 was Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff), or the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Feith efforts to distort CIA, NSA, DIA, and other US agencies' intel about Iraq's NON-EXISTENT WMD program.

But it is clear that AIPAC's ISRAEL CAMPAIGN DONATION kicbacks $$$ FLOOD American politics with MILLIONS of dollars - most of which get ZERO oversight or public scrutiny, due to a thin whitewash of "Jewish-AMERICAN voters" respectability that deters all inspection.

Ironically, Hillary seems to be suffering from the STOCKHOLM SYNDROME: having been beaten up by the NEW YORK TIMES and other neo-con, right-wing Republican media organizations over the past decade (despite the Times' MISLEADING reputation as a "Librul" paper), Hillary now EMBRACES their agenda and POV (point of view), especially regarding the increasingly imperialist, colonial empire, unlimited war-powers of the Bush White House - up to and including TORTURE, no-oversight DEATH SQUADS, billions in slush funds and "missing" treasury payments, and presidential war powers overseen by no one - and certainly not Hillary Clinton or her equally lame Democratic Senate colleagues.

We will bet that Hillary gets a substantial portion of her MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR war chest DIRECTLY FROM AIPAC fundraisers - and millions more from AIPAC-affiliated fundraisers, including such corporate defense titans as LOCKHEED-MARTIN, General Dynamics, and Boeing corporation, all of whom earn billions in sales and millions in profits shipping US government funded military equipment directly to Israel.

Here's a news-flash for Hillary Clinton: the United States of America is now, FIGHTING TWO WARS ON IRAN's BORDERS (in Afghanistan and Iraq) as we speak; and besides ABU GHRAIB (torture) and Iraqi Army DEATH SQUADS, the United States of America also employs DEPLETED URANIUM munitions in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; what would constitute a "WAR CRIME" by the standards of Geneva Conventions definitions. So if Iran publicly warns America NOT to launch a huge bombing attack on their country - who can blame them?
Much less America using the DEPLETED URANIUM and/or TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS that America's insane neo-cons lust after.

The PROPER WAY to prevent Iran from GOING NUCLEAR -as INDIA, PAKISTAN, and ISRAEL ALREADY HAVE, and as SAUDI ARABIA seeks to - is to go through INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION agencies, the treaties that the Republican Congress, Senators, and administrations HAVE BEEN SABOTAGING for DECADES - with Hillary's quiescent, AIPAC-funded COMPLICITY.

Speaking of which, when even uber Right-Wing Republican "Pray every day to drown the US government in a bathtub" icon GROVER NORQUIST is AGAINST the AIPAC neo-con fantasy of BOMBING IRAN back to the pre-stone age, but Hillary already considers Iran "TO BE AN ENEMY" - you have to wonder which party Hillary is in - the Democrats or the Republican-Liebercrats!

We will post some transcripts from the audio (mp3) link to Hillary's comments later, but as of right now, it is quite clear that Senator Hillary Clinton falls FAR SHORT of former President Bill Clinton's skill at cutting through the fog of international affairs, and her over-long monologue serves as an excellent, textbook exposition of a politician using a lot of words to say very little - except, that is, for her IMPLIED SUPPORT for an ILLEGAL ATTACK on IRAN, OUTSIDE of international law, UN justification, or even a clear and present DEBATE about presidential USURPING of Congressional war powers the US Congress & Senate before launching YET ANOTHER WAR in the Mideast.

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